Tuesday 6 January 2015

Bolognese Moussaka Lasagne

Serves: 2


3 courgettes
olive oil
2-3 servings bolognese
a few fennel tops (optional)

For the white sauce:

300ml whole milk
half an onion, cut in two
1 bay leaf
a few black peppercorns
20g butter
20g plain flour
salt and pepper


1. Put the milk for the sauce in a saucepan with the onion, bay leaf and peppercorns. Bring to just below simmering point then turn off the heat. Leave to infuse for at least 30 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, top and tail the courgettes, then cut lengthwise into 3-4mm slices. Brush them with olive oil and lay them on a baking sheet and season lightly with salt and heavily with pepper. Roast at 190c/gas 5 for 15-20 minutes - turning once - or until tender and starting to colour.

3. When you are ready to make the white sauce reheat the milk gently: it should be hot when it goes in. Gently melt the butter in a medium saucepan over a fairly low heat then stir in the flour to form a smooth paste.

4. Cook gently, stirring frequently, for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat and strain in a third of the hot milk. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon or whisk until you have a thick and smooth paste.

5. Add the rest of the milk in one or two lots. Return the sauce to the heat and bring to the boil, stirring. Let it bubble for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, then season. Remove from the heat. (A skin may form which can be prevented by placing cling film directly on the surface.)

6. To assemble: put some or all of the bolognese (depending on whether you want traditional layers) in an oven dish. Cover with a layer of courgette, scatter with fennel, then spoon over the sauce. Repeat if layering. Bake at 190c/gas 5 for 20-30 minutes, until bubbling and starting to go golden brown on top.

(Adapted from the River Cottage television series. Original recipe here: http://www.rivercottage.net/recipes/bolognese-moussaka/)

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