Monday 23 January 2012

Leek & Bacon Flamiche

Serves: 4 - 6


Olive or neutral oil
2 leeks, finely sliced
200g lardons
3 eggs
300g crème fraîche (c. 300ml)
Nutmeg (optional)
Puff pastry
Gruyère cheese, finely grated (optional but highly recommended)


1. Heat oven to 230c/gas mark 8. Heat oil over medium heat. Fry the lardons until they start to brown and then add the leeks and cook until they start to colour then remove from the heat.

2. Meanwhile, mix the eggs and crème fraîche adding salt, a few twists of pepper, and a generous pinch of grated nutmeg. Line your tart tin with the puff pastry (ensuring a good inch overlap all the way around if using the cheese).

3. Optional: Tuck the grated Gruyère around the edges of the tart and fold over and seal with the overlapping pastry.

4. Spread your leek and lardon mixture evenly around the tart and pour over the crème fraîche. Add a sprinkling of Gruyère if desired.

3. Bake for 15-20 minutes, ensuring you keep a close eye after the first ten. To ensure it's cooked insert a knife into the middle which should come out clean.


My preference is to eat this cold as the flavours are much better. Will keep for a good few days in the fridge.

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